Here's where everything on this site came from!
- Layout comes from's layout generator. Their site also provided a ton of helpful tutorials and other information
- Header image is from Ecco the Dolphin
- Backgroud image is from Wow Patterns
- The cursor is an image of the Magic Sword from the first Legend of Zelda game
- The hourglass dolphin gif in my Gifypet is from here
- The background image in my Gifypet was taken by Andrew Peacock
- The gif of Soma running is from RamonTMNT on DeviantArt
- The badge for the Vampire Hunter's Union webring was made by wygolvillage!!
- Beaked whale stamp made by TheMoonRaven on DeviantArt
- Pilot whale stamp made by grayorca on DeviantArt
- Dolphin blinkie made by toxiccrushdesigns on DeviantArt
- Shark stamp made by gunsweat on DeviantArt
- Castlevania stamp made by Tetsunasa on DeviantArt
- Order of Ecclesia stamp made by recastanho on DeviantArt
- A Link to the Past gif made by 1jps
- Simon's Quest blinkie made by lastpageofmemebas on Tumblr
- Cetacean Nation blinkie was made by me in and the original template was made by Anakin on Neocities
- The stamp of Maya bashing someone's head in was made by Ko's Crag on Neocities
- The gifs of a crab, three dolphins swimming, and the dolphin globe are all from 99gifshop
- The Splatoon pixels are from Inkposting
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