Autism Be Damned My Boy Can Slay a Vampire
“Jonathan, quit biting the whip.”
Jonathan quit biting the whip.
“Sorry, sorry, bad habit,” he apologized, not meeting his friend’s eyes as he removed the whip from the undesired location.
Charlotte merely rolled her own eyes in response. “Yeah, I know, I just don’t think the legendary weapon of the Belmont clan belongs in your mouth.”
As usual, Charlotte was probably right. Chewing on things was just a habit of his whenever he was stressed, or bored, or excited, or… well, anything really, he realized.
“The whip is depowered right now,” he said, defensively, “It’s probably not hurting anything.”
“Oh yes, I’m sure your spit is just what the whip needs to realize its true potential. You’re clearly onto something.”
As they so often did, the two friends fell into a familiar routine of bickering, although there was no venom behind their words. Really, Jonathan was grateful that Charlotte had always been so nonchalant about some of his eccentricities, like the way he got stuck repeating certain words or phrases, his need to be doing something with his hands, or the way he’d occasionally miss what people were trying to tell him. Well, Charlotte did have a few quirks of her own. Maybe that was why they worked so well together.
Still, chewing on the Vampire Killer was apparently a bridge too far for the young witch.
“Fine, I won’t bite the whip.”
She smiled at him as he coiled up the weapon and returned it to a more respectable place at his hip. “There you go! Chew on your jacket or something. Remember how much you used to do that?”
Any conversation between the two regarding memories of the past could get tense, as Charlotte seemed to find comfort in reminiscing, and Jonathan couldn’t get far enough away from it. But there was no pain in remembering something as harmless as ruined collars. And it wasn’t entirely a memory either, he thought, looking down at the sorry state of his current jacket. It wasn’t his fault leather had an immaculate texture.
He took Charlotte up on her suggestion as the pair continued down the hallway, cautiously looking around any sign of danger.
Suddenly, both young hunters froze, poised to jump into action. The telltale sounds of shuffling and moaning could be heard at the end of the elegant hallway.
“You hear that too?” Charlotte whispered to him.
“Yeah. Monsters.” Jonathan placed his hand on the whip. “It’s showtime.”
“Great! You can test out your whip’s newfound incredible power!”
“Oh, give it a rest, Charl.”

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